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Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet

Ubers have become almost a necessity for any city dweller. Late for a doctor’s appointment? Uber. It’s hot outside and you’re not sure if people have showered? Uber. Surely, there are some Uber horror stories floating around the internet, but today we have a heartwarming treat for you. Meet Wallace, the loveliest Uber driver who used his programming skills to create an exciting game for riders to play during the trip – and now he’s winning hearts all over TikTok.

Taking an Uber can be stressful – the map is confusing and trying to put a pin on the exact location sometimes requires an engineering degree. Most times it’s still unsuccessful and we end up running after the Uber waving at it. People usually prefer a quiet driver who says ‘hi’ and ‘bye’ and plays nice music on the radio. But this Uber driver has taken the customer experience to the next level.

Wallace, a lovely Uber driver, recently went viral after a passenger filmed himself playing a tablet game in his car. Who doesn’t have tablet games, you ask? Well, Wallace here has a custom-made game for his passengers to play while he is driving them to their destination. Talk about customer care! The video has garnered almost 20 million views on Twitter, with many people praising Wallace’s programming skills.

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

In a video that gathered 20 million views, Wallace’s passenger is surprised with a tablet game about Wallace

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

The game begins with a passenger guessing the number of Uber trips Wallace has undertaken – some of the numbers seem astronomical! If the passenger fails to guess correctly, Wallace’s avatar shakes his head and says ‘NO’. By this time, the passenger thinks that it’s a simple guessing game and that’s when Wallace surprises them again.

Riders are tasked with helping to “Return Wallace to his family” by guiding his avatar through the maze to reach the photo of his beloved family. The guessing game turns into a heartwarming adventure – I want Wallace to be reunited with his family!

The journey doesn’t end there, and passengers must assist digital Wallace in overcoming various obstacles. At some point in the game, digital Wallace breaks his leg – oh no! His clients have to drag a virtual splint and gauze to help him recover. Poor Wallace. Once he’s recovered, he gives a smile and a thumbs up saying “OK”. We’re glad you’re okay, Wallace.

What seems like a silly tablet game is actually a lovely distraction from the mundanity of everyday life. It definitely beats small talk about the weather.

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

The game begins with a question about Wallace’s trip statistics and then takes a heartwarming turn

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

The passengers have to return Wallace to his family

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

The comments were full of love for Wallace. Many were surprised by his custom-made game and suggesting that he should move to another job, like programming or game making. But for now, Wallace seems happy where he is. In a video, he excitedly says, “I love driving my car!” His good mood is infectious and certainly deserves a five-star rating.

Passengers now look forward to booking an Uber and hoping to get Wallace as their driver. It’s not just about the driver – it’s about his genuine care for his customers. Imagine Wallace working on this game and thinking about how much joy it would bring to the riders. His genuine effort combined with his kind smile is what makes him so loved.

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

During the game, riders are tasked with helping Wallace in various situations – like a broken leg


Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner
Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

Alas, not everyone is as happy as Wallace is at their jobs. Many people – on the internet and our inner circle – are unhappy in their workplaces. Everyone knows the infamous “Sunday dread”, a wave of anxiety that hits the day before going to work. Of course, weekends and days off are fabulous and fun, but a stable, well-paying job is also important. Separating “living” and “working” can contribute to unhappiness. Luckily, there are a few things that can help.

Not everyone is blessed with great co-workers or an understanding boss, and it can be hard trying to make a connection with them. But having a good relationship with the people you work with can make you feel better at work. Seeing a friendly face who offers a word of encouragement or cracks a good joke during lunch makes the workday more bearable and less lonely. Perhaps this is your cue to send a funny meme to your coworkers on Slack?

Wallace’s creative decision can also serve as an inspiration – taking something mundane and turning it into a fun game can start many conversations and get creative juices flowing. Add a pinch of cinnamon to your coffee, start a tradition of bringing muffins to the office every third Wednesday and see how life transforms for the better.

But the best thing about rides with Wallace is his smile and infectious energy – he loves driving his car!

Uber Driver’s Hilarious In-Car Game Wins The Internet
Image credits: truewagner

Seeing Wallace and his adorable game definitely brought smiles to our faces. His commitment to making people smile during their journeys left a lasting impact on his customers and everyone who watched the video. This kind of Uber driver is a great example that there are countless opportunities to infuse everyday life with joy and wonder. So, the next time you hop in an Uber, keep an eye out for your very own Wallace.

What’s your most memorable Uber trip?

Watch the video here:

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