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Doorbell Video Of A Guy Dropping Drunk Girl Off Goes Viral

The world can be a very scary place. Instead of enjoying the carefreeness of a fun night out, many people, especially young women, worry about what might happen. From spiked drinks to creeps grinding on them, a lot of people have to fight for their basic right to enjoy the party and get home safely.

Luckily, there are still many decent people out there. People like Ronny who made sure that a drunk girl got home safely after a night out.

Imagine checking the doorbell camera and seeing your drunk daughter with a stranger

Image credits: achi.1122

In a short TikTok video that has already garnered over 33 million views, Ronny is seen dropping off a young woman who was inebriated. He walked her to the door, making sure she actually made it home and opened the door for her.

“I’m sorry, mommy,” the girl apologized into the doorbell camera before getting in. Then Ronny addressed the camera, introducing himself: “Hi, my name is Ronny. I am sober and I drove her home.” This small gesture helped to reassure the family of a young woman that Ronny knew would be worried about her. He then added that his girlfriend was in his car, so they wouldn’t worry that she was alone with a stranger.

Ronny’s whole demeanor was gentlemanly and empathetic, showing his genuine concern for the girl’s well-being. If only there were more people like Ronny out there in the world.

Ronny dropped off a drunk girl at her house after a night out

Image credits: achi.1122

He introduced himself to the door camera and told the family that he was sober

Image credits: achi.1122

Since the video has been posted, it received an incredible amount of appreciation from TikTok users who admired Ronny’s act. Many of them shared their stories, recounting instances where designated drivers made a difference in someone’s life, perhaps preventing horrible tragedies that might’ve occurred otherwise.

Ronny has been tagged in the video and has responded to it. This kind young man remained humble and gave all the credit to his parents who instilled good values in him. They must be so proud to have raised such a wonderful man.

In his response video, Ronny said “If at any point, you are in a similar or relevant position where you know you have the ability to help, help.” Words to live by; you never know when your kindness might make a massive difference and it certainly won’t be forgotten for years to come. Small acts of kindness are what keep people going when things get tough.
To add extra reassurance, he mentioned his that his girlfriend was in the car with them

Image credits: achi.1122

Despite all the attention online, Ronny himself doesn’t think he did something special: “All I’m trying to say is, although I greatly appreciate the attention and the compliments, what I did shouldn’t be something exceptional.”

He believes that such behavior should be the norm and not an exception. Hopefully, his act of kindness inspires others to do the same.
Getting back from a night out can be a dangerous quest, so the girl in the video was very lucky to have Ronny

Image credits: Frederico Almeida (not the actual photo)

Nights out should be some of the best times in young people’s lives. Dancing the night away with friends, making new ones in the line for a late-night snack and cozily getting into bed at the crack of dawn, knowing that you made memories for life. However, the reality is much more sinister.

There are plenty of horror stories both online and in real life. What starts as a night of fun might end in the hospital with severe injuries if someone chooses to get behind the wheel while drunk. Someone might lose their health, or worse, their life because of some idiot’s recklessness.

Not only the moon and the stars come out at night. Unsavory characters tend to make an appearance, preying on vulnerable ones, offering rides or a ‘safe place to stay’. Not all of them look like typical creeps from ‘Don’t get in the stranger’s van’ educational videos – some of them look perfectly normal. A lot of people feel unsafe walking at night.

Either way, until there are more people like Ronny in the world, it is a dangerous place. So until that changes, we need to remember a few ground rules: drink responsibly, never leave your drink unattended, don’t go into dark places and always make sure your friends get home safely.

Image credits: achi.1122

Ronny’s story is a great example of how important it is to have good role models growing up – his parents raised a responsible and compassionate man who kindly took care of a vulnerable woman instead of leaving her in danger or even worse.

Here’s to all the Ronnys out there, making the world a better place!

Do you have stories about your own ‘Ronny’? Share in the comments below.

Watch the video here:

@achi.1122 Lord its me again 🥴 #TheSecondChild #ThanksRonnie #RingDoorBell #DontDrinkAndDrive #MyWildChild #Sissa #oldfiles ♬ original sound – 𝓓𝓪𝓲𝓼𝔂♡

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