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A Collection of Wholesome Posts from the Past Month

What a Crochet

Do you want to know what true love is? True love is putting the other person’s happiness above all else. It’s being so eager to see them smile that you don’t care about what other people think of you. And sometimes, that looks like wearing a full crocheted outfit.

Are they superheroes? Why do their pants all hit them at the mid-calf? What is with the very unfortunate arrangement of the stripes on the gentleman on the right? But it doesn’t matter, in the end. What matters is that she loves to crochet, and he loves to support her and it’s kind of adorable.

Crazy Cats

Cats can be the funniest, craziest creatures. Sometimes they are aloof and haughty, refusing to have anything to do with you; other times, they absolutely need all of your attention right now (this frequently happens when you need them not to be underfoot or are working on a computer).

And they make the funniest noises sometimes. Cat noises run the whole gamut of auditory experiences, but this poster’s particular favorite is the activation noise. Cat owners, do you find your cat making this noise as well?


 What’s in a Name?

You know, this guy is wondering what stupid scientific names we would give to dinosaurs if we were discovering them today, assuming that they’d get a lot of meme and Internet speak names. But to be fair, proper, serious scientists have been giving animals pop culture-inspired scientific names for a long time.

There’s Chilicola Charizard, a type of bee. Eriovixia Gryffindor is a type of spider, so named because its body is wide, like the sorting hat. And there’s Wockia Chewbacca, a very hairy variety of moth. The point of all of this is to say that if you think that all scientists give things sedate, old-fashioned names, you might be pleasantly surprised.


It’s so easy for all of us to get caught up in our individual lives: going to the same places, doing the same things, and talking to the same people. But it doesn’t have to be like that! You can find ways to reach out and make connections to people in your community, like this guy.

If I ever saw that guy at my local mall, I would totally sit down for a game. Of course, I’m terrible at chess and the game would be over in 12 seconds, but the fact remains that this is a charming way for a person to try to get to know their neighborhood.

Kind Comments

Posting on social media can be a bit of a gamble. If you post something that is the smallest bit controversial, or that just happens to make someone else mad, there’s a good chance you are going to find an absolute storm of crazy in your Facebook notifications.

But sometimes, instead, you get a super sweet, supportive message from your friendly local Orthodox priest. Every now and then, I get very tempted to delete my Facebook account and then burn my laptop to the ground, so it’s nice to remember that social media can be a positive place, not just a negative one.

Bad with Dates

What is it with guys not remembering anniversaries? I realize I sound like a 1990s stand up comic, and I realize it is a gross oversimplification to say that no guys remember anniversaries. But a lot don’t, and with everyone having a smartphone these days, there’s no excuse for forgetting.

Put the date in your calendar once, set it to repeat every year, and your phone will do all of the mental heavy lifting from now on. Well, apparently this guy forgot that he could put his anniversary on a calendar. Fortunately, the woman in question had a coworker who was way more on top of it than her husband was.



Couples Who Slay Together, Stay Together

Sometimes, you just look at a couple and think, “Yes, you two are perfect for each other. I don’t know how you happened to find each other out of all the people on this earth, but you have somehow located the person who is your absolutely perfect match.”

Take this couple right here. This girl is the kind of person who would be delighted to be gifted with a massive sword. Her partner is the kind of person who would be delighted to give someone a massive sword and who remembers obscure facts about the giving of massive swords. I don;t know about you, but I’m super glad they found each other.

 Letting Yourself Enjoy This

This next one really spoke to me, because I am guilty of this all the time, as I assume many people are. I have a terrible fear of wasting a good outfit on a boring day. I want to save the good snacks until some unspecified day when I’m having a fun evening. Maybe it’s because I know these are things that I can use a finite number of times, and I want badly to get the maximum use out of them.

But what this means is that I never wear the cute outfit and I never burn the good smelling candles and I never eat the delicious snacks. It would be far better if I could be like this poster and commit to actually making good use of these things. I’d be happier, and the stuff would actually get used.

Hounds in Hats

If you have been reading this article with the diligence and eye for detail that I fully expect from all my readers, you may have seen that I am not really a dog person, because they make me sneeze a lot and also they’re always all up in my grill and I don’t know what they want from me.

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t planned out what dogs I would have, if I did have dogs: I would get two Scottish terriers, name them Robert and Scott, and always make them wear plaid vests. I hadn’t thought about the possibility of dogs in hats, and now that it has been pointed out, I might have to get Robert and Scott dog-sized flat caps.

A+ Shirts

OK, do you remember earlier when I said that people wearing matching shirts is cheesy, including when dating couples do it? And let’s be real, what I thought but didn’t say is that it’s especially cheesy when it’s dating couples… Ya’ll know that I’m right.

Well, I have to add another exception to my list: old married couples wearing matching T-shirts is, in fact, adorable, and it’s twice as adorable if the matching clothing has a cheesy pun on it. These two get a free pass for life when it comes to wearing matching clothes.

It’s a Beautiful Helmet

OK, if this next picture doesn’t warm your heart, I don’t know what will. It’s so easy for us to get caught up in appearances, in what we assume other people must be thinking of us. And you definitely think of construction workers as tough guys who would never do something to make them look less macho.

 Boyfriend of the Year Award

One of the hardest things in the world is to hear criticism without getting defensive. Seriously, even when you’re trying to be a decent human being, even when you have every intention of using this criticism as a way to make yourself a better person, it’s so hard to tamp down on the initial knee-jerk reaction of anger and defensiveness.

This Rocks

This photo has everything that I love: cute projects that can bring a community together, ways to brighten a stranger’s day, and most of all, art projects that are so easy that even a terrible artist like me can participate.


A Happy Ending

Outside of movies and short books, we don’t often get to see the whole story all at once: the problem and then the solution, the beginning and then the end. Usually we have to wait a long time to see the outcome, good or bad, and sometimes we never get the resolution we were looking for at all.


Bed Buddy

OK, if I’m honest, the thought of sharing my bed with a dog is actually not that appealing; not only am I allergic, but I don’t really sleep well if I can hear other living things moving or breathing. I think I would not sleep well with some big smelly critter next to me.

Everybody Everywhere

Isn’t it funny how some of the things that we learn as a kid stick with us forever? I forget the names of people that I met five minutes ago, but I can still sing all the states in the USA in alphabetical order because I learned a song about it in elementary school.

Painting Prodigy

OK, everything about this next post is the best thing: first, there’s the fact that someone bothered to teach a raccoon to paint. Then there’s the adorable little tiny easel, followed by the lovely paintings; he’s got a great sense of color!

A True Shepherd

Have you ever seen a well-trained sheepdog herding sheep? It is genuinely extraordinary. These dogs are crazy intelligent; they understand commands from their humans, they understand what they need to do with the sheep, and they quickly think on their feet to figure out where they need to go in order to convince the sheep to go where they need to go.

A Proud Papa

Not everyone gets support from the people around them—the people who should have loved them unconditionally and been there for them—for a variety of reasons. It is always sad when someone feels they are not getting the support and love that they need.

 Romantic Recipes

Movies and books can give us a skewed view of what love is really like; they can lead us to think that it’s all about that initial attraction. And even those that show a more nuanced view of romance tend to go up until the big dramatic moment where the couple announces their love for each other; on rare occasions, we might see a wedding.


People often have a special connection with their pets, but in particular, the connection between a child and a beloved pet can be especially deep and lasting. I’ve known grown adults who are still sad about the loss of childhood pets.

A Good Company

This next post makes my heart happy. It seems that with every year that passes, people are less and less tolerant of a lot of things; like religion or people who are different from them. And for a long time in the US, Muslims have had a particularly bad time of it.

Testy About Tests

Okay, so admittedly, it’s really easy to come up with situations where this post doesn’t work at all: for instance, if you’re learning to speak a foreign language, you can’t plan to look up every single thing that you say once you finally get to visit Italy. Or if you’re going to become a massage therapist, you can’t stop the massage every 15 seconds to pull out your textbook and remind yourself what you should do next.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman

This next post is the cutest idea I have ever seen, plus a great way to use my Photoshop skills for good, not evil. OK, so I have never used Photoshop for evil, but I’ve definitely used it for boring things, like preparing pictures for PowerPoint presentations about intersection design.

Louder for the People in the Back

Something that can be really hard for people to understand if they’ve never lived this experience is the difficulty of figuring out how to balance keeping yourself safe and being nice to others. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re either a guy or a really lucky girl. Women have to worry about being the victims of violence (from strangers but also from people we know) pretty much constantly.

Be Honest About What You Don’t Know

This next post is something that I personally really needed to hear. I was one of those kids whose entire personality in school was being smart. That’s what I was good at and what set me apart from my classmates. But what that meant is that I spent a long time really struggling to admit when I didn’t know something or I needed help.

 I Wanna Hold Your Hand

I think I speak for most of us when I say that making conversation with strangers in line at a store is scary and stressful, and we would rather just pretend to read the magazine covers at the checkout stand than talk to people.

By the Power Vested in Me

I’ll admit, sometimes I roll my eyes a little bit when I see people in matching outfits. Whether it’s a dating couple or best friends, I just tend to find that a little cheesy. I will, however, make an exception for adorable children dressed in matching outfits. Because that’s just cute.

 Gotta Catch ‘Em All

Your birthday is a time for you to celebrate the things you love and the things that make you, you. And if what you love is Pokémon, then the dearest wish of my heart is that you get the Pokémon cake that you want and deserve.

Canine Compassion

Do you ever wonder how much animals actually understand about grief and loss? Researchers are pretty certain that elephants grieve their dead, because they keep returning to the bodies of their dead loved ones long after they are nothing but bones. And dolphins and orcas have been known to keep the bodies of their dead calves with them for days or even weeks.


 A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way

They say that if you really want to know the measure of a person, look at how he or she treats people who are considered beneath them. Many people are dismissive of or even unkind to waiters, secretaries, customer service people, and janitors, all out of the sense that this person is somehow less worthy.


The Cutest Canine

Alright, before we get to the next picture, I want to warn you to prepare yourself. What you’re about to see is so adorable that your heart might get overloaded by cuteness and warm fuzzies, and you might actually die of it. OK, are you ready?

 When Can I See You Again?

As I said in the introduction, it’s easy to get caught up in focusing on some of the bad stuff that has come from the Internet, like the spread of misinformation, stupid TikTok trends that end up getting teenagers killed, and cyberbullying.

What Matters to You?

Here’s an interesting thought experiment for you: if you had to evacuate your house because of a fire and you had the time to grab exactly one thing, what would you grab? What’s the thing that you would most want to save from a fire? The answer to that question will tell you a lot about what you prioritize.

The New Nurse

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I get really frustrated when I go to the doctor and I have to wait 40 minutes to be seen, and then they charge me $600 to tell me there’s nothing they can do about my broken foot. In case you’re thinking that’s awfully specific, yes, that’s based on a real experience.

Repair, Reuse, Recycle

So many cultures have become so wasteful in recent years. Maybe it’s the rise in overall prosperity, maybe it’s the technological advances that have made it so easy for us to get manufactured goods in our hands, but these days, we throw things out the second they start to look less than pristine and we go buy something new.

Women’s Sports Are Sports Too

Women’s sports are certainly fighting an uphill battle to try to get mainstream acceptance. It can be so hard to get people to watch them, as many people insist that they just don’t find them very interesting or exciting and won’t even give them a try.

Happy as a Mouse in a Doctor’s Office

The secret to happiness, I have learned over time, is to learn not to wait for big, dramatic things to happen before you feel happy. Events like that are relatively rare, so if you wait for them, you might be waiting a really long time before you let yourself feel good.

 What a Steve

So we had to include this because it cracks me up, but I do want to take a moment to point out how unfair the whole “Karen” thing is to people who are actually named Karen; how hurtful must it be to hear your name constantly used as an insult and a curse word? (Sorry if I sounded like a Karen, but it had to be said).

So Fancy

It’s always a heartwarming feeling to know that the people around you love and support you and have your back, no matter what. And this poster got an expression of love and support from a rather unexpected source: his cleaning lady.


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