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Military Dad Wholesomely Reunites With His Son At School, And It’s Enough To Make Grown Men Cry

“I was relieved, and happy he wasn’t without me anymore,” said Rubel Tafoya, speaking with PEOPLE after reuniting with his son, Tyler at his primary school.

10-year-old Tyler Tafoya was greeted with a welcome surprise,as his father, deployed overseas, made a heartwarming appearance at his New Mexico elementary school. Chief Master Sergeant Rubel Tafoya shared with PEOPLE that the reunion with his son Tyler on Monday exceeded all his expectations and brought immeasurable joy.

“It meant everything. I know [Tyler] had been really missing me and he cried when he hugged me,” said an emotional Rubel.

Captured in a video shared on Rio Rancho Public School’s Facebook page, Tyler, soon to turn 11, remained blissfully unaware of his father’s return. In the footage, as Tyler posed for a photo with a teacher near an open doorway, his father silently emerged and joined the shot. The teacher, reviewing the picture with Tyler, revealed the unexpected appearance of his dad.

Perplexed, Tyler glanced behind him at an empty, dark doorway and then back at the phone screen. Seemingly out of nowhere, Tafoya emerged, gradually approaching his son until Tyler turned around and rushed into his father’s waiting arms.

The moment that Rubel Tafoya made a surprise cameo for his son

They embraced tightly in the hallway, their reunion captured in photos taken outside the school, against the backdrop of a sign that conveyed a heartfelt message: “Welcome Home CMSGT Tafoya. Thank you for your service!”

The school, acknowledging the touching moment, captioned the video with warmth, noting, “With chilly weather moving into Rio Rancho, it is the perfect time for something heartwarming. Check out this great video showing one of our Sandia Vista Elementary School students getting a welcome home surprise from his military dad.”

Recalling the joyous moment, Tafoya, a dedicated serviceman of 25 years, shared that he experienced a mix of excitement and anticipation before the surprise, but the thrill that followed was unparalleled.

“It felt great,” he reminisces. “I was relieved, and happy he wasn’t without me anymore.”

The two took another picture near the school’s touching sign

According to the Principal of Sandia Vista Elementary School, Miranda Jeantete, Tafoya hímelf was the one who came up with the idea to surprise his son, and reached out to his teacher, Mrs. Perez.

“She immediately asked if it would be okay. We were so excited and honored to help him surprise Tyler. Mrs. Perez knew that Tyler’s dad was overseas. As a retired United States Air Force veteran herself, she knew the importance of receiving letters while away from family and friends, so at the beginning of the school year, all of the students in Tyler’s class wrote letters to CMSGT Tafoya,” said an enthusiastic Jeanete.

On Sunday, Tafoya reminded the school that he would be around at 2 p.m via email.

“I asked the teacher if we could have his dad ‘appear’ in a picture. She loved the idea and we shared it with Tyler’s parents when they arrived at school. Everyone was very excited.” Jeanete recounted.

Rubel Tafoya with his son Tyler and his wife

The emotional video has accumulated thousands of views on Facebook, thanks to its wholesome and positive vibe.

“This has been a very challenging time in the world right now. As a society, we tend to focus on all the negative that is happening around us. Videos like this are a reminder that even when we are experiencing difficult circumstances they are always positive reminders and celebrations of the good in the world. This is one of them.”Jeanete explained

“We are so grateful for our military service members and the family members that are at home while they are serving our nation,” she added.

Now back in the comfort of his home, with the possibility of another deployment in five years, Ruben Tafoya expresses his intention to cherish every moment with his son and the rest of his family.

“Tyler and I are very close; he’s my mini-me. I’m taking him and my daughter Lilliana, who is 14, to Disneyland, and I also will be visiting family in Los Angeles,” said Ruben

The military man also offers valuable advice to all parents out there.

“Spend as much time as you can with family and kids, especially if you’re military. You will not experience truly missing your family until you get sent to locations outside the U.S. doing ‘military duties,” he urges.

“If you are in or are related to someone in the military, take advantage of them being within arms reach for a hug or kiss or a sincere ‘I love you. And remember, military life can be tough. Support those who serve [because] depression and PTSD are real,” Ruben added.



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