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Boy Becomes Friends With 12 Y.O. Foster Kid So The Family Adopts Him

In an ideal world, every child has nurturing parents that love and protect them and kiss them goodnight after checking for monsters under the bed. Unfortunately, the reality is more tragic. Many children get taken away from abusive parents and end up in foster care waiting for years for a new family. A boy from Tennessee was lucky to have found a family that loves him unconditionally AND ended up having his best friend as his brother. How cool is that?

It is said that you cannot choose your family, but you can choose your friends and if you’re very lucky, they become family

Losing a parent is very traumatic no matter the circumstances. Andrew’s parents’ rights were terminated when he was just six years old

When he was 10 years old, he arrived to Nashville to live with the Gill family. At first he was timid and didn’t want to talk, choosing to spend all his time in his room, looking at old pictures.

Andrew has four siblings that were adopted straight away, leaving him all alone. A predicament like this raises many difficult feelings in the heart of a young child.

The Gills were supposed to be Andrew’s foster parents until he found the right family for him. They did not expect to fall in love with this timid boy and welcome him into their home and hearts.

“He sat in his room with the door closed and looked at old pictures. He didn’t want to talk”

His mom, Dominique Gill, in an interview with Today Parents, recalled the trials of the first weeks together. He would “scream and behave badly” trying to push them away, but Dominique and her husband Kevin refused to give up on Andrew. “We are going to get you together,” they told him. And they surely did.

With gentle love and persistence, Andrew learned to regulate his emotions and started opening up to his new family. It is incredibly rewarding to see how love can help to heal wounds and nurture a happier child.

Andrew started coming out of his shell when Joc invited him to play video games together

Childhood friendship is incredibly pure – if both happen to like the same games, it makes them friends. Andrew and Joc both like Minecraft, so they became best friends. It’s that easy for kids.

Having a friend during such tumultuous times is what Andrew needed to help him overcome the struggles. Joc was there for him as a friend. But what Andrew did not expect was that soon Joc would become his brother too.

As Andrew healed and improved his behavior, he was considered for adoption two times, but both adoptions failed

Dominique knew exactly what that meant – this shy boy was destined to become a part of their family.

She told Today Parents, “Our mindset was we’d help him until he found his forever home. But after the second adoption didn’t work out, I realized God put Andrew in our lives for a reason. God made sure the adoption didn’t work out so he could come back to us.”

“Thank you you for not giving up on me,” cried when the Gills asked him if he wanted to stay with them forever
Boy Becomes Friends With 12 Y.O. Foster Kid So The Family Adopts Him

It was definitely a miracle – to hear that someone wants you to become a part of their family, someone to choose you after you’ve been abandoned.

Dominique and Kevin made the big decision after seeing the boys develop a strong bond and in May 2020, Andrew was asked the biggest question of his life. And it wasn’t just a simple question, it was a whole celebration!

A Youth Villages counselor asked Andrew on a walk and he agreed. He didn’t expect to see balloons and placards and the big smiles of the Gills and family friends, nor did he expect to see Joc wearing a shirt that said, “Will you be my brother?”. Overwhelmed, Andrew burst into tears and gratefully accepted his new family’s offer.

Today, Andrew is a happy boy, a loving son and a brother. The family completely turned his life around in the best way possible

Dominique shared that another family had started the adoption process but she told her husband they can’t let it happen. “He’s ours” she said. She was firmly set on welcoming Drew into her family and knew her husband and her son wouldn’t question her decision. After all, seeing Drew’s smile and his bond with Joc was all the confirmation she needed.

The adoption process took longer than usual – 6-7 months due to COVID restrictions. Everything had to be done through Zoom. But it was worth it. “We couldn’t have ever thought about a more perfect Drew to add to our family. Looking back there’s no way I could say our family was complete. Drew needed us and we needed him more. He’s my shadow and we will never regret one day or bad memory” his mom shared in an interview. And when asked what is their favorite memory as a family she said “Traveling. It’s so many memories but if I had to choose our Disney cruise”. We sincerely wish them many more trip and happy memories in the future!

Dominique and Kevin chose Andrew to be their son. It isn’t an easy decision to welcome someone into your family but love is a choice. Every day we choose to love someone more than we struggle with their flaws. Every day we choose to love more than the day before and with time, love becomes the water to someone’s soul garden that only those who love them get to see.

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