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This Baby Was Made Fun Off Due To His White Hair Is Now Healthier And Better Than Ever

Many parents are eager to capture their newborns in photographs and share these precious moments with friends and family.

Patricia Williams shared this common desire and lovingly photographed her son, hoping to share his images with loved ones. However, her experience took an unexpected turn when she attempted to share these photos.

Patricia’s son, Redd, was born in 2012, distinguished by his white hair from the outset. It wasn’t until he was two months old, however, that Patricia began to observe additional unique traits about him.

When Patricia’s husband, Dale, noticed their baby’s eyes exhibiting side-to-side movement, he embarked on an investigation that would reveal a surprising connection to albinism. However, the signs were undeniable: fair skin, white hair, and nystagmus (tracking eyes).

To seek a formal diagnosis, the couple decided to consult both a geneticist and an optometrist. It was confirmed that Redd had Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 1 (OCA1), a rare disorder affecting just 1 in 17,000 individuals around the world.

Reflecting on Redd’s birth, Patricia recalled the excitement among hospital staff who were eager to meet the newborn with white hair and blue eyes. At the time, she didn’t think much of it, as both she and her husband, as well as their firstborn son, Gage, had blonde hair.

About a month after bringing Redd home, Patricia couldn’t help but notice how his hair radiated a brilliant white in the sunlight. His eyes, too, held a captivating quality as they would persistently track her movements, defying her attempts to divert his gaze. Those strikingly blue eyes even had moments when they seemed to shimmer with a hint of red under specific lighting conditions.

Patricia initially believed that her son’s unique characteristics might be temporary, but then her second son, Rockwell, was born with the same condition as well in February 2018. Social media users took advantage of Rockwell’s baby photos, creating hurtful memes with them. Additionally, Redd had experienced bullying at school due to his distinct appearance.

Consequently, Redd’s older brother, Gage, took it upon himself to look out for him. Fortunately, Rockwell’s family was well-educated about albinism when he was born, but they never expected that pictures of their young son would turn into internet memes.

Initially, Dale and Patricia attempted to persuade those who had shared the image to remove it, but they soon realized that it was an impossible task. Eventually, they made the decision to simply ignore the entire situation.

To combat the potential bullying and discrimination that children with albinism might face for being different, they chose to become advocates for raising awareness about the condition. Patricia felt a mix of emotions when experts confirmed Redd’s albinism. She worried about how he would be treated throughout his life due to his uniqueness and how their family dynamics might change, considering that they now had a child who was sensitive to sunlight and would eventually face the risk of turning blind.

Explaining why Rockwell received more attention, Patricia said, “It’s very unusual to see a baby with white hair, and Rockwell’s hair sticks straight up, so it’s very noticeable.”

Her son’s photos quickly became a viral meme, garnering her a significant online following. This led to numerous questions about his unique looks, highlighting a widespread lack of awareness about albinism.

She noticed that the limited understanding many had about albinism was often sourced from obscure movies that barely touched on the condition. She saw this as a unique chance to enlighten people on the subject.

After undergoing surgery to correct his strabismus, Redd moved from a specialized school for visually impaired children to a mainstream public school. This decision proved to be immensely beneficial for Redd, underlining the family’s thoughtful choice regarding the surgery.

The family decided not to have Redd wear an eye patch, to avoid drawing undue attention to him and making him feel more conspicuous. As time went by, Redd’s friends gradually began to overlook his unique traits.

Redd was able to enjoy outdoor activities without the need for specialized gear, needing only a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect him, making his experience similar to any other child’s. His younger brother, Rockwell also adapted well to his surroundings.

A video shared by Patricia on April 28, 2023, showcases Rockwell during his school’s “Western Day.” The clip garnered much affection and support from the online community, with many calling the youngster “cute” and “adorable.”

Patricia addresses a common misconception about albinism, explaining that it’s often wrongly assumed that individuals with the condition have red eyes. In reality, due to the lack of pigment, their eyes are usually light blue.

Both boys are flourishing, embracing life to the fullest with joy and enthusiasm.

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