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Days Old Premature Baby’s Precious Smile Went Viral And Melted Our Hearts

When a baby is conceived and nurtured with love for several months, any potential threat to its safety can be incredibly stressful. The stakes escalate if the mother is compelled to deliver earlier than anticipated, plunging the parents into disarray, not knowing how to shield their premature newborn. However, a single photo has the power to change it all for the better.

Meet Freya, the protagonist of this article

A heartwarming image of a smiling Freya Vinje at just 5 days old is inspiring hope among parents of premature babies all around the world. Born at 34 weeks and weighing 3 pounds, 14 ounces, Freya faced uncertain odds of survival. She left her parents, Lauren and David Vinje, in doubt. Despite the initial worry, their baby blessed them with a radiant smile just days after the premature birth.

A heartening photograph capturing the smiling face of a 5-day-old Freya Vinje is instilling hope among parents globally. Entering the world at 34 weeks and weighing only 3 pounds, 14, Freya confronted precarious odds of survival, casting a shadow of distress upon her parents, Lauren and David. Yet, despite all the odds, their infant bestowed upon them a vibrant smile like the morning sun. just days after her premature arrival.

It wasn’t an easy journey

Vinje wrote about the challenges of her pregnancy in a blog post on Birth Without Fear, unveiling signs of preeclampsia emerging in the 28th week. The onset of swelling in her feet and ankles, and the mother saw flashing lights at night. She prompted multiple visits to the doctor, culminating in a prescription for bed rest. As the 34th week unfolded, ultrasound concerns about the baby’s heart rate prompted the difficult decision to induce labor. However, Vinje ultimately chose to undergo a cesarean section.

On the subsequent day, things got complicated the day after. Freya’s umbilical cord proved unusually short, entwined around her neck. Opting for a natural delivery could have led to excessive stretching of the cord, risking compression around her neck and jeopardizing the baby’s oxygen supply.

Despite this challenge, the delivery was described as flawless, with everything proceeding smoothly. David, Freya’s father, articulated the sheer joy of embracing his daughter, noting that cradling such a petite infant was a mix of astonishment, intensity, and sheer amazement.

The photo quickly went viral

The photograph of Freya’s hearty smile not only filled her parents with joy but also served as a beacon of hope during challenging times. Fast forward two years, and Lauren decided to share this impactful image with the world, intending to provide solace to fellow parents of premature babies through the radiant energy on Freya’s face. Accompanied by the caption “She was happy to be alive!”, Lauren reflected on how viewing the photo reinforced her will to live.

The heartening image struck a chord with a vast audience, amassing over 50,000 shares and tens of thousands of comments. Parents across the globe enthusiastically participated, contributing their own pictures and stories detailing the journeys of their premature infants.

During an interview, Lauren expressed her motivation for sharing the photo, citing the joy it brought her and the belief that it could have a similar uplifting effect on others. For Lauren, the photograph stands as a constant reminder to maintain a positive outlook and focus on the brighter side of life.

How is Freya now?

Today, at the age of 9, Freya is an integral part of a family of six, alongside her three sisters. Reflecting on Freya’s journey and growth, Lauren emphasizes that despite the years passing, Freya remains true to the joyous spirit captured in the iconic photo. Lauren further notes that Freya is the kind of child who brightens the entire rôm with her infectious smile, a testament to the hẻ endless positivity.

Lauren’s foremost advice to parents with preemie babies is unwavering: never give up. She understands the significance of maintaining a positive outlook and inner strength. David complements this wisdom, emphasizing the vital role of hope and belief in one’s child. Together, their guidance serves as a beacon for parents navigating the challenges of premature births.


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