1. This creative girlfriend
2. This genius couple.
3. This boyfriend and his amazing Snapchat game.
4. This smartass boyfriend.
5. And this dedicated prom date.
6. This boyfriend who found a creative outlet.
7. And this couple who took bouquets to a new level.
8. These incredibly extra phone wallpapers.
9. This boyfriend’s excellent design skills.
10. This girlfriend who went above and beyond to think of date ideas.
11. This boyfriend’s brilliant birthday idea.
12. These parents who are so damn in love.
13. This guy’s response to his girlfriend getting a job.
14. This emotional couple.
15. This guy making a style statement about how much he loves his girlfriend.
16. This couple who clearly really want to hang out.
17. This couple’s adorable anniversary.
18. This husband’s romantic gesture.
19. This guy’s clever gift idea.
20. This guy who is ~floored~ by his girlfriend’s selfie.
21. And finally this girlfriend, whose response is extra in the best possible way.